Between all the cuddly furniture stuff, a few pictures out of the RPG/LARP corner. What do you do when you like movies like Mad Max and role-playing games like Shadowrun? Those true at heart and strong at will build their own post-apocalyptic scenario and use it for play, fun and party. In such a way, the Gran Paradiso Roadhouse Club was built by some of my ex-colleagues and when i paid a visit there, i was quite surprised and delighted to find some pallet furniture stuff of the more crude kind. Well, i shouldn’t have been surprised, since id’s RAGE one should know that pallet interior belongs to any somehow serious post-apocalyptic scenario. What gave me the opportunity to take some shots of some unexpected, pretty rustic pallet furniture.
First item: very simple table made from half a pallet, with pallet quarters simply screwed at the short ends to serve as legs. Alternatively, you can use a table of this height as a bank, too.
Owed to the occasion, the pieces of furniture here are built in a less “homely” way, not as cuddly and friendly as the stuff I’m building, but thats totally appropriate for the intended use. The results are solid, functional and are usually built rather quick. An improvised set of pallet garden furniture or a rustic party room furniture should be built rather quick in this style.
More a bar table made of pallets: two euro pallets for the table legs, one atop for the tabletop. The assembly is again quite crudely nailed/screwed, and this construction could definitely be donme in a more “apalling” way, but here, the crude look is simply intended. Nevertheless, feel free to have your table built with less rough beamys for stability, take some angles/fittings instead and paint it in nice colors for a nice garden table, but theres the other choise to build it exactly as crude and rough like this one, if you happen to like the looks of some improvised post-apocalyptic desert club (i like those). Have it illuminated somehow stylish and you’re done for an indie club or party room interior. OTOH, in this “cruder” form, I can well imagine something like this table as a work table in the garden or behind the house – My apologies for the completely inappropriate, almost blasphemous association: you can place even some heavier some potted flowers on this piece and repot them without worrying if something breaks, gets dirty, whatever. Also already cared for: correct working height when standing.
Quite the same thing in a larger format: a quite solid pallet party room table. I guess that the tabletop consists of some heavy floorboards or scaffolding boards. Here the substructure/table legs is consequently constructed more heavy/solid. Due to bad flashlight on my smartphone, i wasn’t able to take a picture of the “whole thing”: the table is some feet long and should do the job as a main party table even with some more (and lively) guests invited.
The local warehouse. Again: usage associations and opportunities are limitless. A small pallet shack outdoor, a bar in the basement, a club DJ booth or an overgrown garden toolshed. Again: if you consider outdoor use you should ask yourself if it should “stay solid” (and therefore be treated in a weatherproof style) or if it should somehow decay picturesquely over time. I advise to the solid variant, if its not only about some simple seating, and appropriate treatment/varnishing. Even more ideas: for more adventurous children, stuff like that could serve perfectly as the the base for a loft bed.
The same applies for this entrance booth: you can build such a pallet hut indoor and outdoor, and it will find its uses. In this size, a “pallet garden shed” is difficult to style in a kinda cute and cuddly way, so you should consider “un-cuddly” usage, or the efforts for styling in a nice and pretty way could increase significantly.

Finally: a classic that I have never implemented in this style. Pallet beds as well as seating or table furniture can obviously built in a most simple way by just stacking pallets atop of pallets until the desired height is reached. On other pallet furniture pages/collections, i see beds in this style quite often – simply stacked and upholstered pilings of pallets. This is a solid construction method, unlikely to break or even squeak, it can be illuminated from below and looks quite cool then, but nevertheless, despite my really relaxed attitude regarding dust and dirt, i don’t like furniture where i can’t really use broom and/or vacuum cleaner below. This and the lost storage space thats just “filled up with pallets” keeps me from those constructiion variants. But this pallet/carpet table is really, *really* cool and relaxed.
Information about the location. The Gran Paradiso is a post-apocalyptic pub, where LARP (Live Action Role Play) -events take place. Just like the post-apocalyptic PC- and pen&paper-RPGs, but in real life. And with peaceful, reasonable people who have fun together and take care that no one gets hurt. Since maybe it isn’t obvious for people who do not know this scene and its inhabitants: this has neither to do with paramilitary psycho stuff nor with training camps of some rightwing-idiots, its quite the opposite: people who know the difference between a game and anything else very well and definitely prefer the game. And the creation of cool pieces of pallet furniture which can take some good rocking party action.
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